EEC / QUARTET FOR TOMATOES, Maciej Markowski (PL) / Goethe-Institut, Warszawa

14th May – 29th July, 2016

(PL) fot. © Goethe Institut / Adam Burakowski

(PL) fot. © Goethe Institut / Adam Burakowski

(PL) fot. © Goethe Institut / Adam Burakowski

(PL) fot. © Goethe Institut / Adam Burakowski

EEC / QUARTET FOR TOMATOES, Maciej Markowski (PL) / Goethe-Institut, Warszawa

14th May – 29th July, 2016


As part of the Night of Museums 2016, on 14 May, Goethe-Institut in Warsaw will host the opening ofQuartet for tomatoes by Maciej Markowski. The installation was produced by the WRO Art Center and its premiere presentation was held during the Biennale WRO 2015 Test Exposure. Goethe-Institut invites you to its renewed space on the ground floor of its headquarters (Chmielna 13A, Warsaw). The program also includes opening of the new library and the inauguration of the thematic area called ”Green City”.

Maciej Markowski (born 1976), a musician and programmer. He studied mathematics at the University of Wrocław and completed the second degree music school in Wrocław. He co-founded the band Small Instruments, with which he recorded an LP album Antonisz and made many musical projects, including the award-winning Toucan OFF statuette of the 29th Review of Stage Songs in Wrocław for the performance Power of Sound. He plays in the band Kariera, with which he recorded two albums: The City and Lullabies, together with four other amateur musicians, he is part of the ironic-experimental pseudo-sea shanties band Shantharion. He produces videoclips, and designs and programs multimedia installations. He has worked with Wrocław Contemporary Museum (Wrocław, Poland), WRO Art Center (Wrocław, Poland), the Capitol Musical Theatre (Wrocław, Poland), Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle (Warsaw, Poland).

Cooperation: Marcin Ożóg i Rafał Sumisławski