It is an installation about airflows along of furniture from the 20th century. By combining art and science Akira Wakita examines industrial design classics from the 20th century – miniatures of chairs are placed in front of large screens: W. W. Stool (1990) by Philippe Starck, Robie House 1 (1908) by Frank Lloyd Wright, and the Big Easy (1991) by Ron Arad. The 3D models of the design classics provide a basis for the visualization. Then a software that was developed for this purpose dynamically renders particles’ movements and colors along edges and corners to visualize the airflows of objects and thus to move the product design of furniture in a new light.
Akira Wakita, artist and engineer. Professor at Keio University (Faculty of Environment and Information Studies), x-Design Program, Graduate School of Media and Governance. His work focuses on “physicality” of the real time images produced by physical simulation. In recent years, he developed original visualisation software based on fluid-dynamic and thermodynamic models. Before attaining his position at the university, hi worked at Lattice Technology, developing a 3D CAD solid modeling kernel and standardization of a lightweight 3D data format. At the same time, he engaged in doctoral studies, earning a Media and Governance from Keio University’s Graduate School of Media and Governance in 2002; his thesis research was focused on the generation of lightweight, 3D data for medical use.