Paweł Janicki / POINT NEMO

opening: Sep 4 / Fri / 6 PM
Sep 4 – Nov 6, 2020
guided tours:
Sep 10 and 24, Oct 9 and 22 / 5 PM

Paweł Janicki / POINT NEMO

opening: Sep 4 / Fri / 6 PM
Sep 4 – Nov 6, 2020
guided tours:
Sep 10 and 24, Oct 9 and 22 / 5 PM

(PL) Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury, uzyskanych z dopłat ustanowionych w grach objętych monopolem państwa, zgodnie z art. 80 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 19 listopada 2009 r. o grach hazardowych.


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Relatively near Point Nemo

The upcoming Paweł Janicki’s exhibition is a metaphorical journey toward Point Nemo, a geographical construct denoting the location in the Pacific Ocean which is farthest from all land, often also called the pole of inaccessibility.

Navigation will be based on mostly new works: protocols of dealing with autonomous evolving systems and experiments with AI, the Internet, patterns in huge data sets, code, and new materiality. Objects, installations, actions, and non-actions revolve around one center of gravity – a singularity from which a new order of laws and intentionalities emerges or into which everything collapses.

Though replete with references to the history of humanity, scientific and geographical discoveries, and the history of reflection on the limits of human knowledge, Janicki’s Point Nemo is determined by posthumanist practice. The currently endorsed coordinates of Point Nemo are software-calculated, and the artist observes that both the infrastructural basis and the collective imagination that promoted interpreting technology as such as a site of liberating play at art barely exist any longer.

Models fail to take into account the cumulative, evolutionary growth of agentive potential and the complexity of knowledge – a growth resulting from the evolution that unfolds at the plane of abstract computational system and black boxes of machine learning, increasingly redolent of alien intelligence. Given this, it is not progress, for progress is a human concept. Rather, it is evolution.

Artist's essay

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