Ronny Szillo is into combining the world of technology with the handcrafted ceramics. In 2015, during his residency stay in Columbus, Ohio (USA), he researched extensively on the topic of fossilization of media and the production of 3D objects out of it. Now, in Wroclaw, he wishes to elaborate on that further.
Szillo investigates the mechanisms of a post-digital world. His work emerges in the place where smartphones and tablets appear as multimedia-interactive prosthetics and organ-like interfaces that almost seem to abolish the border between analog and digital spheres. Through the misuse or manipulation of commonplace consumer technologies, he first generates virtual pieces that, re-translated as IRLs in the object world of ‘real life’, create undeniable references to their digital origins. Calculated loss of control and glitches generate awkward remixes of ubiquitous consumption practices and, at the same time, highlight the aesthetic potential of the underside of mundane user-interfaces.
On Friday, 25th November, 6PM-9PM we invite you to the WRO Atelier (Kuźnicza 29a) in Wrocław for the one night pop-up exhibition ‘Gestures In Neon’ project by Ronny Szillo.
Ronny Szillo (b. 1978) is a Leipzig-based media artist. He studied Media Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig (2000-2007). In the last two years, his research centers on new ways of working in public space and in nature.