Susanna Flock is consistently working on conceptual issues which are implemented in different media. A particular experimental approach in dealing with the media of video takes on a central role. An integral part of Susanna Flock’s (born 1988) works is a mode of practice coined by experimental strategies and a conceptual approach. Art as a medium of communication and the examination of the impact of digitalization on cultural production, outreach and reception form the thematic basis. The concepts are implemented in the form of installation, intervention, video, audio, photography and graphics, however, the moving image often takes on a central role. In 2015 she graduated in Fine Arts/Experimental Design at the University of Art in Linz. Susanna Flock has participated in numerous exhibitions and screenings in selected venues, among others, in Vienna, Leipzig, Tallin, Vigo, Zurich, Toronto, Frankfurt and Sao Paulo. She also won several prices, i.e. the Henkel Art.Award. (2010), the Ö1 talent scholarship for visual arts (2011), the Crossing Europe – local artist atelier price (2012), the Rainer Werner – an independent critic price of Schnongs festival (2012), and the Pfann-Ohmann-Preis for fine arts (2016). She was an artist-in-residence in Zagreb in 2015 (Atelier Scholarship Steiermark) and at Creart in Norway (2016). She lives and works in Vienna.