Klaudyna Lewczuk
video installation
as part of the TEST EXPOSURE exhibition series
Curator: Anna Szczerba
Opening: April 9th, 2015 (Thursday), 5 PM
free entry
Using fun, wit and absurdity, Klaudyna Lewczuk explores the limits of her own body and physical endurance. The performance Children’s Game seems to challenge the ever-changing fitness.
The artist refers to the game we used to play when we were young, ie. a carefree rolling around in the grass. During the action, the artist personates a child, trying to recall the feeling of the swirl of mind and the attention span. The artist expose herself to the public, fighting against the physicality and gravity until the collapse of the physical and mental condition.
Klaudyna Anastazja Lewczuk is a student of Graphic Design, and Photographic, Film and TV Post-Production at the Faculty of Graphics and Media Art of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. In 2014, she got a bachelor’s degree in art mediation at the Faculty of Painting and Sculpture (“Movement and body as drawing tools”). In spite of changing her major, she is still interested in performance. She likes dancing, singing and long, shoeless wandering about.
Exhibition is part of the TEST EXPOSURE series prepared by the students of the Department of Art Mediation of the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław within the Curatorial Projects under the supervision of Piotr Krajewski.
Exhibition through April 26th, 2015
About the artist
(PL) Klaudyna Anastazja Lewczuk jest studentką II roku Grafiki oraz podyplomowej Postprodukcji Fotograficznej, Filmowej i Telewizyjnej na Wydziale Grafiki i Sztuki Mediów wrocławskiej Akademii Sztuk Pięknych. W 2014 r. obroniła dyplom pierwszego stopnia na Wydziale Malarstwa i Rzeźby, kierunek Mediacja Sztuki, którego tematem były „Ruch i ciało jako narzędzia rysunkowe”. Mimo zmiany kierunku studiów, nadal interesuję się performansem i czynnie tę sztukę uprawia. Kocha taniec, śpiew i długie letnie spacery bez obuwia.