For years, the series Eve Clone created by Lin Peychewn are The Whore of Babylon written in the Revelation chapter of Bible and the large idol described in the Book of Daniel serve as a metaphor for the worship of technology and civilization by humankind – challenging the original creation of God, transforming nature, and even cloning life. She attempts to place Eve Clone into the real world to remind humankind that the phenomenon of Eve Clone has already existed in daily life. If humankind continues to oppose God’s will by placing itself higher than Him, humankind will be manipulated and even will be destroyed by technology and civilization. Since 2016, the artist launches a new series Making of Eve Clone to imply the process of technological experiments with the making of the 3D animation Eve Clone. Tracing back to every step of making Eve Clone, Lin Peychwen appropriates Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing Vitruvian Man and combines skillfully the two images into one. This reveals that da Vinci’s desire to explore human body as an artist is similar to a scientist’s ambition to challenge God’s Creation. She shows the representation of human ambitions from the depth of desire in the experimental process of Making of Eve Clone to rethink the associations, comparisons and intertextuality between art and technology.
Lin Peychwen received doctorate degree in Creative Arts from the University of Wollongong in Australia. Currently, she is the director of the Digital Art Laboratory and a professor in the Department of Multimedia and Animation Arts at National Taiwan University of Arts. Her work has been exhibited in major art venues and museums all around the world such as Queens Museum in New York, Exit and Via Art Festival in France, WRO Media Art Biennale in Poland, 404 Art Festival in Argentina, Italy and Moscow, Taipei Biennial, Taiwan Biennial, Art Stage Singapore, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, The Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, etc. Her works were featured in the important publications related to art history, such as A History of Fine Arts in Taiwan, n.paradoxa International Feminist Art Journal, 40 year edition of Chronicles of Contemporary Taiwanese Art, published by Artist Magazine, and spotlighted in the International Conference at Oxford University, in The Globe Museum of Women’s Ignite project in USA, etc.