
meetings on Thursdays at 6:00 PM
videos available from 2:00 PM
Oct 20 – Nov 10, 2022


meetings on Thursdays at 6:00 PM
videos available from 2:00 PM
Oct 20 – Nov 10, 2022


We meet every Thursday on the recliners, chairs, and mattresses at the WRO Art Center to exchange interesting video forms. Each week our team prepares a different set of inspirations from the WRO Archive.

If you’d like to share your one or a video you found online, we invite you to BYOV (bring your own video, bring your own video) plus BYOB (bring your own beverage) plus BYOS (bring your own snacks) meetings.

Oct 20, 6:00 PM – Dagmara Domagała
All things delicious. Art and food. Good manners and guilty pleasures. Comfort food and food porn. Bite in! Enjoy!

Oct 27, 6:00 PM – Pawel Janicki
The theme of the upcoming meeting is MACHINES. Media art is – like no other – related to machines. But what does this actually mean? Do we simply use machines to create art or do machines create it for us? Or perhaps communing with machines allows us to catch and visualize interesting phenomena, invisible to the proverbial naked eye?

Nov 3, 6:00 PM – Dominika Kluszczyk
This time, using selected video documentation from the WRO Archives, we will look at artists who explore the possibilities of their own bodies in their work. We will examine the relationships that emerge when the body comes into contact with technology, nature, or encounters with another body.

Nov 10, 6:00 PM – Xenia Manteufel
We invite you to another series of Thursday meetings, during which we exchange interesting video forms. This time the meeting will be led by a person we met during previous meetings – Xenia Manteufel, a student from Berlin with Polish-Ukrainian roots. The topic of conversation will be “the strangeness of life.” Prepare for a meeting about how we perceive and understand various art forms through our own life experiences and circumstances. As always, we invite you to share your own recordings or found videos that relate to this concept.