You do things by doing them

talk by Paweł Janicki
Mar 3, 2020 / Thu / 5 PM

You do things by doing them

talk by Paweł Janicki
Mar 3, 2020 / Thu / 5 PM

Photo: Tanganyika: Al-Khwārizmī, Burton, Assange (susceptive interpassive object), Paweł Janicki @ “Materia Kodu” (“The Matter of Code”) / Gdynia Design Days

(PL) Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury, uzyskanych z dopłat ustanowionych w grach objętych monopolem państwa, zgodnie z art. 80 ust. 1 ustawy z dnia 19 listopada 2009 r. o grach hazardowych.


Is it possible to develop a conceptual structure to combine contemporary environmental challenges (e.g., the climate catastrophe and the depletion of natural resources) with bio- and necro-politics, concepts as remote as synthetic nature and dark visions of new realist philosophy?

If so, would such an eclectic structure be stable enough to be functional in any way, for example by underpinning posthumanist practice emerging from the experiences of technological art?

Practice – a word that sounds simple enough, seems to be both a perfectly recurrent and purifying answer to these questions, as practice always takes place vis-à-vis the existing environmental realities and simultaneously provides a research method which enforces a radical, fencing-like cuts with Occam’s razor, a reduction of the excessively elaborate descriptive apparatus, and a falsification of that which remains after this procedure is applied.