The subjective atlas of reality is the formula that we started in 2016. It was part of the Eco Expanded City program and met with great public interest. In 2016, together with the illustrator, Lena Czerniawska, and the ornithologist, Hanna Sztwiertnia, we organized a series of walks under the title Subjective atlas of birds. We tracked birds, listened to their singing, peeped at their habits to make these observations in the form of drawings. During the following meetings, we also discovered various parts of the city, visiting parks and green areas away from the city centre.
In 2017, we continue the initiative by opening it to other topics related to the current WRO Art Center program. Lena Czerniawska is on board and inspires and encourages people of all ages to draw. She works in a duo format with specialists and enthusiasts from various thematic areas. Together, we discover succeeding elements of our reality.
The walks are informal and casual, there are no sign ups. Everyone can join them, and drawing skills are not required.